MARION, Iowa – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) endorsed Ashley Hinson, the Republican nominee for Congress in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District.

“I am delighted to receive the endorsement of the NFIB. I have been a supporter of NFIB’s initiatives since the first day I stepped foot into the Iowa House, and I look forward to being their partner in Congress. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and our communities. I will go to bat for them every day in Washington,” Hinson said.
“During her time in the Iowa House of Representatives, Ashley Hinson has been a leader on critical issues for small businesses, such as tax and tort reform and government overregulation,” said Matt Everson, NFIB Iowa State Director. “She has a true understanding of the issues our members are concerned about. We are confident that Ashley Hinson will continue to be a champion of Iowa’s small businesses and we are proud to endorse her today for election to the U.S. House of Representatives on behalf of the small businesses in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District.”
For the last several of months, Hinson has developed her Small Business Advisory Committee to provide insight into what needs to be improved locally and federally to aid in the expansion and growth of small businesses across Iowa.
Hinson says she understands the challenges that small business owners face every day. Her husband, Matt, is a small business owner in Waterloo.

“Our family has seen the struggles small businesses face because we’ve lived them on a daily basis. We must work to end the over-regulation and red tape that hurts community businesses,” she said.
Hinson is in the highest tier of the ‘Young Gun Program’ by the National Republican Congressional Committee for establishing a “clear path to victory.” National political forecasters believe Iowa’s 1st Congressional District will be one of the most competitive races in 2020. The Cook Political Report has rated the district as “Toss Up.”
Hinson has a record of winning tough elections. She won in 2018 in a swing district to help hold the Iowa House majority and outperformed the Republican ticket by 5-8 points across Iowa House District 67. She won 9 of 13 precincts in House District 67 in spite of Democratic outside groups outspending Republican outside groups.

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