DES MOINES, Iowa – On Thursday, Test Iowa has hit 100,000 tests conducted since the first test site opened on April 25th, and it is currently the number one source of testing in the state of Iowa. 

“In the face of a global pandemic, we had to be bold, ambitious, and move quickly to launch a comprehensive initiative to combat the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa and protect the lives and livelihoods of Iowans,” said Gov. Kim Reynolds. “Test Iowa has not only provided our state with critical testing capacity, but realtime, in-depth data and analysis to inform our response to the pandemic.”

She explained why this milestone is important in a released video:

Through Test Iowa, the state is currently testing more than 3,000 people a day, across 20 Test Iowa drive-up and clinic sites. Approximately 28 percent of all COVID-19 tests in Iowa have been through Test Iowa, and the program is open to every Iowan who wants to be tested. This statewide effort involves the Iowa Department of Public Health, State Hygienic Lab, Iowa National Guard, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Department of Human Services, Department of Transportation, and local public health officials, emergency managers, and health care providers across the state. 

“Reaching today’s milestone could not have happened without unprecedented collaboration between state and local government as well as local health care providers,” Reynolds continued. “Test Iowa’s success puts us in a strong position to continue slowing the spread of COVID19, allowing us to reopen safely and responsibly.”  

In total, 354,237 tests have been conducted among Iowans for a per capita total of one in nine Iowans. Almost 864,000 assessments have been completed on the Test Iowa site.

Individuals who wish to get tested for COVID-19 at any site must first complete the online assessment at They will then be directed to schedule an appointment.

Test Iowa is a statewide initiative to expand COVID-19 testing. Locations and hours of operation for all test sites can be found at or

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