DES MOINES, Iowa – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate is distributing personal protective equipment (PPE) and more than $2 million in funds to Iowa counties to utilize for the November 3 general election. The PPE includes face shields, masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and social distancing markers for use at the polls on Election Day. Additionally, more than $2 million from the CARES Act will be made available to counties.

“Making sure Iowans can safely cast their ballot is vital. It is your choice whether you want to vote absentee or at the polls,” Pate said. “Polls will be open on November 3. We are providing the materials necessary to protect voters and poll workers and reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.”

The CARES Act funds that will be distributed to each county include a base amount of $5,000, along with an additional $850 for each precinct. Counties can use the funds to purchase additional PPE, polling place supplies such as pens and secrecy folders, training materials for poll workers, and for disinfecting polling places.

The Iowa Secretary of State’s Office plans to mail all active registered voters an absentee ballot request form near the end of August.

For more information about voting in Iowa, visit

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