Photo Source: Netflix (CC-By-SA 4.0)

One of the most subscribed streaming platforms in the world, Netflix, announced the release of a documentary, “Cuties”, a French film that sexualizes a group of 11-year-old girls. The trailer shows these young children dancing to exploitative music with extremely sexualized ‘dance moves’ such as twerking and grinding. The documentary is rated TV-MA, a rating which, with parental controls in place, girls this age wouldn’t be able to access.

This movie is by no means “cute”. The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), which includes experts in Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking, deems this film not only offensive but also dangerous. 

Dr. Joseph Zanga, one such expert ACPeds member and past President of two national pediatric organizations stated, “Fed by soft pornography media such as this, millions of the world’s children (at the age of the “stars” of this film) are groomed and then forced into sex slavery by porn addicts, many of whom will likely be this film’s most enthusiastic viewers. Child Sex Trafficking is a multibillion-dollar criminal industry, which Netflix will encourage by the debut of this film to a receptive, or soon to be receptive, audience.” 

Children today are hurting, and this film sets the stage to exploit and compound the adverse childhood experiences from which far too many youth already suffer. Therefore, Dr. Zanga added, “It is unethical, and perhaps even criminal, for Netflix to contribute to the societal dangers these children already face. Responsible and ethical adults understand that we have a duty to protect our nation’s children. For the sake of our children’s health and well being, this frightening excuse for entertainment must be deleted from Netflix’s schedule as well as from its library.”

The American College of Pediatricians joins thousands of others in calling out Netflix for allowing such a film on their platform and demands its immediate removal. A petition calling for the film’s removal may be signed here. 

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