DES MOINES, Iowa – On Tuesday, Susan B. Anthony List and its partner super PAC, Women Speak Out PAC, announced they would invest $500,000 into Iowa’s U.S. Senate race to re-elect U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa. There are 28 days to go before election day, and Iowa’s early voting period started Monday.

The independent expenditure campaign in Iowa includes voter contact mail, phone calls, texts, and digital ads. This effort is part of the organizations’ overall $52 million budget and plans to reach eight million voters for the 2020 cycle. Their announcement comes as the U.S. Senate prepares to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. 

Iowa is one of several battleground states in the Democrat efforts to retake the U.S. Senate majority. Ernst has trailed her Democratic opponent, Theresa Greenfield, by two to three points according to three of the last four polls, well within the margin of error. The latest poll by WHO-TV 13 is showing Greenfield up by 12 points is an outlier. Most political analysts consider this race to be a toss-up.

According to Open Secrets, tens of millions of dollars, over $83 million, has been spent by outside groups in Iowa’s U.S. Senate race. The pro-abortion groups have spent millions of dollars opposing Ernst. NARAL has spent over $150,000, Planned Parenthood Votes Super PAC over $13,000, and Women Vote!, a pro-abortion Super PAC, spent over $5 million. 

Greenfield’s largest direct contributor is Emily’s List, a group that supports female, pro-abortion candidates, has contributed $248,711 as of June 30.

“Senator Ernst is working to keep the business of government going and to confirm President Trump’s nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, to the Supreme Court. While Senator Ernst weathers attacks from the pro-abortion activists in Washington, we are launching a campaign across Iowa to make sure her constituents know how hard she is fighting for them and for the American people,” said Mallory Quigley, national spokeswoman for Women Speak Out PAC.

“Her leadership in the Judiciary Committee is vital to seeing this confirmation through. We are fighting for her, and we stand with her and Judge Barrett as pro-abortion Democrats in the Senate attack her faith. Elections have consequences and preserving the pro-life Senate majority is crucial to protecting laws that save countless unborn children.”  

SBA List and Women Speak Out PAC plan to run two digital ads as part of their campaign in Iowa’s U.S. Senate race. One ad is positive, featuring Ernst’s pro-life voting record. The second ad is on Greenfield’s positions.

Watch “U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst: Iowa’s Pro-Life Champion”:

Watch “Theresa Greenfield: Pro-Abortion Fanatic”:

SBA List and Women Speak Out PAC will reach eight million voters before Election Day, speaking to them about where the presidential candidates stand on abortion and the Supreme Court. SBA List also created a website entitled Life on the Ballot to learn where different U.S. Senate and presidential candidates stand on the life issue.

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