On Sunday, Sidney Powell, attorney for General Michael Flynn (U.S. Army, Ret.), told Maria Bartiromo of Fox News that they have identified “at least” 450,000 ballots in key states with a vote for Joe Biden for President and no one else.

“We have identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them, and no other candidate,” she said.

Bartiromo responded.

“You have a list of numbers of ballots with only Joe Biden on the ticket,” she said. “You say it’s 98,000 ballots in Pennsylvania, 80,000 to 90,000 in Georgia, another 42,000 in Arizona, 69,000-to 115,000 in Michigan and 62,000 in Wisconsin.”


Look, I think if there is evidence of voter fraud, it should be investigated. I’m on record saying there should be a manual recount of counties in Michigan that used the voting software where one county had a “glitch,” which impacted 6,000 votes.

So, yes, investigate evidence of fraud and whistleblower claims of fraud. The Trump campaign should issue a challenge if they think they have evidence of voter fraud.

What Powell says sound nefarious when you don’t have context.

Could some of those ballots be fraudulent? Possibly.

Instead of dealing with assumptions and suspicions, I want to deal with facts and context. Historically, Americans cast more votes for President than they do down-ballot. That is just a fact.

For instance looking at U.S. House races:

  • 2000: Republicans received 3.46 fewer votes in House races than they did for President. Democrats received 4.41 million fewer votes.
  • 2004: Republicans received 6.08 million fewer votes in House races than they did for President. Democrats received 6.05 million fewer votes.
  • 2008: Republicans received 7.69 million fewer votes for House than they did for President. Democrats received 4.26 fewer votes.
  • 2012: Republicans received 2.70 million fewer votes for House than they did for President, Democrats received 6.27 million fewer votes.
  • 2016: Republicans received 188,987 MORE votes for House than they did for President. Democrats received 4.07 million fewer votes.

Do you see a trend here? Just because someone under voted does not mean it was fraudulent. It could be, but you can’t assume that it is. Using this logic, any ballot cast for just President Donald Trump and no one else would also have to be considered fraudulent.

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