senator rand paul
Senator Rand Paul | PC: Gage Skidmore

Today is Festivus, the day popularized by ‘Seinfeld’ for airing grievances. And every limited government lover waits all year for one of the best traditions this day holds: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) airing his government grievances in his annual Twitter rant.Ā 

Here are just a few highlights from Senator Paulā€™s grievances about Congress, COVID-19, and government spending: 


If we were still in any way clinging to the idea that Congress might be useful and good at their jobs, this pandemic has officially killed that notion. Senator Paul has strong words for his colleagues:

But not all his tweets were not all critical – Senator Paul also handed out kudos to his liberty-loving colleagues:


COVID-19 has unleashed tyrannical politicians, and Senator Paul had strong words for those who pretend to be working for Americans while simultaneously ruining their lives:

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) in particular provoked Senator Paulā€™s ire:Ā 


The amount of taxpayer money the federal government wastes every year is frankly incredible. Every year, Senator Paul releases his Festivus Report on Government Waste and then tweets out the highlights. Here are some of the most absurd things taxpayer money is funding:

Until next yearā€™s rant, letā€™s remember the key takeaway Senator Paul would like to impress: Our government is dysfunctional and wastes taxpayer money. Period.

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