Attorney General Xavier Becerra speaking with attendees at the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

President-Elect Joe Biden announced that California Attorney General Xavier Bacerra would be his pick for U.S. Secretary for Health and Human Services. 

I can’t think of a worse person to tap. Bacerra will be the polar opposite of current HHS Secretary Alex Azar. He will be the anti-Azar. 

Azar has been one of the Trump Administration’s bright spots, implementing the Protect Life Rule and protecting religious liberty.

If confirmed, Bacerra will reverse all of that and do far worse based on his record. 

So President-Elect Biden wants to have an HHS head who has sued nuns, prosecutes journalists, but wouldn’t enforce the law where it suits him. He wanted to force crisis pregnancy to promote abortion, something that is contrary to their mission.

President-Elect Biden said he wanted to unite Americans, but then he appoints this man? I understand his cabinet will be full of people I disagree with, but he can certainly find someone less controversial than this. This announcement shows that President-Elect Biden is not serious about uniting Americans when he appoints someone who has flagrantly violated people’s liberty in his state.

The Senate must nix this appointment. 

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