British Puritan writer and theologian, John Owen (1616-1683) described the invitation of Jesus to respond in personal faith:

This is somewhat of the word which he now speaks unto you: Why will ye die?  Why will ye perish?  Why will ye not have compassion on your own souls?  Can your hearts endure, or can your hands be strong, in the day of wrath approaching?…. Look unto me, and be saved; come unto me, and I will ease you of all sins, sorrows, fears, burdens, and give rest to your souls.  Come I entreat you; lay aside all procrastinations, all delays; put me off no more; eternity lies at the door… do not so hate me as that you will rather perish than accept of deliverance by me.

These and like things doth the Lord Christ continually declare, proclaim, plead and urge upon the souls of sinners… He doth it in the preaching of the word, as if he were present with you, stood amongst you, and spake personally to every one of you… He hath appointed the ministers of the gospel to appear before you, and to deal with you in his stead, avowing as his own the invitation which are given you in his name.  (2 Cor. 5:19-20).”

Source: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer (p. 104)

Those who erroneously think Calvinists don’t care about evangelism should read John Owen.

I love the urgency of this invitation. Lay aside all procrastinations, all delays, don’t put Christ off anymore. Eternity is at stake.

Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Do not delay!

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