imageThe American Principles Project, through its Preserve Innocence Initiative, works primarily on the issues of Religious Liberties, Parental Rights, and Education Reform.  Our efforts on these issues has resulted in the creation of a phenomenal Iowa Advisory Board and a network of relationships with like-minded organizations throughout the state of Iowa and the nation.

One of the preeminent issues in this year’s election cycle is whether the three  Iowa Supreme Court Justices up for retention should be allowed to continue serving in light of the recent ruling on same-sex marriage.  We have been heartened by what we’ve seen over the last week by a grassroots organization called STAND.  Their goal is to mobilize volunteers from around the state to reach out to fellow Iowans, inform them on the issue of judge retention, and get out the vote on November 2.

There is much synergy between their efforts, the efforts of the Iowa Family Policy Center, Faith and Freedom Coalition, Concerned Women for America Iowa, and Freedom for Iowa.  Our efforts at APP to empower parents to raise their children the way they see fit, to ensure religious liberty for future American generations, and to restore basic American Principles in our culture benefit from the work of STAND and our other coalition partners.  Their work on restoring fidelity to the judicial system will benefit all Iowans, are an example to the nation, and we are proud to stand in solidarity with them.

You can learn more here.

Source: American Principles in Action

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