I will be among the teeming hordes of journalists, pundits, thinkers, bloggers, and Neanderthals trying to ask a question or two of Governor Mike Huckabee on Sunday afternoon before he speaks at the Iowa Family Policy Center event at First Federated Church in Des Moines, Iowa, November 21st. (By the way, I will take the role of chief Neanderthal).

This is your opportunity to make the CBS Evening News. (Got a question about his record as a pilot in the National Guard?[1]).   Maybe you will be the next Joette or Joe Plumber by getting the former Governor of Arkansas to admit that – gasp! – he doesn’t want to redistribute the wealth.

Yes, I am making a plea to the readers of Caffeinated Thoughts to submit your questions in the next 12 hours or so for my consideration and I will ask as many relevant questions as the Secret Service will allow.  No birther, truther, or Martin Luther questions can be asked by proxy. My good buddy, Bulldog from WLW in Cincinnati, wants me to ask him about what he can do to help his fundraising the next time around, if he runs for President.  My wife wants me to ask him about Terri Schiavo. 

I make no guarantees.  Maybe your question won’t get by the call screener. If you ever tried to get through on a talk show in late 2007 or early 2008 to say something good about Mike Huckabee you’ll know immediately what I mean.  Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Hugh Hewitt and other talk show hosts deliberately cut out the voices of other conservatives who didn’t agree with their views on Huckabee.

There is also no assurance I’ll get to ask a question.  I’m not Helen Thomas or “Campaign Carl Cameron” from Fox News.  I’m also no Superman or Clark Kent, so don’t expect your question to get asked my first time out if you overwhelm the bandwidth with thousands of questions, several hundred too many for me to ask.   Those may have to wait until I have that long-awaited and promised, exclusive three-hour, one-on-one, no-holds-barred, interview[2].

[1] I know, he was never in the National Guard; but if you’re Dan Rather, that wouldn’t really matter, would it?

[2] Governor Huckabee didn’t really promise this, but that is because I haven’t asked his press secretary, yet.

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