Washington D.C.- Congressman Steve King (R-IA) released the following statement after voting against an $850 billion tax and spend deal brokered by President Obama and Senators Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell in the last days of the Lame-Duck Pelosi Congress.

“On November 2nd, the American people rejected back room deals and Christmas tree bills designed to buy the votes of Congressmen,” said King. “Hopefully, this is the last we will see of Congress giving in to President Obama’s redistributionism.”

“I am for making the ’01 and ’03 tax rates permanent. I am for ending the death tax. I am for the tax credits that support our renewable fuels industry and for a producer-designed, planned transition to industry independence. I am for ending the AMT.”

“But I am opposed to borrowing hundreds of millions of unbudgeted dollars to hand out as transfer payments under the guise of refundable tax credits. I don’t agree that we should raid the Social Security Trust Fund or set the precedent that changes the payroll tax formula. Too much of the spending in this bill is a renewal of parts of Obama’s failed stimulus plan.”

“I have co-sponsored a clean bill that we can pass in the House and send to the Senate and that will be supported by the new Congress – which is the legitimate voice of the American people.”

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