The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO and current radio host, Herman Cain, was the first to speak at the 11th Annual Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Spring Event at Point of Grace Church in Waukee, IA.

He opened that American dream is under attack, but that the good news is that we are fighting back.  He shared three of his guiding principles:

  1. Do the right thing. Challenging Obama – “it was not right to sue the state of Arizona when they were just trying to defend themselves.”  He said it was wrong to not defend DOMA.
  2. We have to lead this nation from an entitlement society to an empowerment society.  “There is no such thing as a Department of Happy.”  He said government can’t create jobs, they need to get out of the way so jobs can be created.  The people’s problem need to be addressed at the state level, and entitlement programs need to be restructured so that can happen.
  3. It’s not about us.  The founding fathers did their job, he said, we must be the defending fathers.  He said we must defend the unborn.  We need to defend the future of this nation.  “It’s not about us, it’s about the grandchildren.”

To the liberals he said, “the United States of America will not become the United States of Europe.”  Not on our watch.

Very powerful message and he received enthusiastic applause.

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