imageI know, I know people will say… he hasn’t made a decision yet.  He told me as much a couple of weeks ago.  I know also he seems to be listening to Bob Vander Plaats’ horrible advice to wait it out after the Ames Straw Poll.  That is awfully late to be getting into Iowa to play here and I believe he needs to have Iowa in his strategy.

So how are we to discern what we see on the ground in Iowa?

  • Eric Woolson, his Iowa campaign manager, has already switched teams and is going with a different former Governor, Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota.
  • Now today we learn that his former Iowa political director, Wes Enos, is signing on with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN).
  • Bob Vander Plaats due to his leadership of The FAMiLY Leader won’t be involved in his campaign, at least not formally. 
  • Another Iowa staff member, Aubrie Johnson, has other campaigns talking to her.

His Iowa staff is gone, gone, gone… So he’s either not running or he’s ok with that which seems to me to be an incredibly bad move.

Photo by Dave Davidson

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