I hope you enjoy the experiment… random items thrown into one post.

I was out in New Hampshire last weekend and I was able to meet the guys who write GraniteGrok.  They have built themselves an empire in the New Hampshire conservative blogaverse.  I was on their radio program last Saturday and spoke with them briefly on Friday night during the Americans for Prosperity event.  I plan to network with them, do cross posts, and highlight their work along with other blogs in early primary states so we can keep tabs on what 2012 candidates are saying outside of Iowa to local activists.

What is Christie Vilsack thinking?  The listening tour that she is currently on leads me to believe that if she is really listening she should, should come to understand that she is out of touch with residents in the new Iowa Fourth Congressional District.

Anybody else wonder how Bob Vander Plaats got to be a message bearer in D.C. on Monday for the “Tea Party Founding Fathers”?  It strikes me as odd since he’s not been involved in any type of TEA Party leadership before.  He hasn’t exactly been the face of the TEA Party movement in Iowa.  Who is he representing?  Who’s footing the bill to get him out there?

When a blog post appears about Iowans for Tax Relief founder, David Stanley, telling his board members not to talk to the press about his explanation of the resignations something tells me someone didn’t follow instructions.

The up at The Bean Walker

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Reading the article, based on the headline you’d think Iowa Republicans were not concerned about social issues, well let’s see how well a 2012 candidate who believes that does here.  Certainly we’re concerned about the economy and the deficit.  We’re also concerned about Leroy Carhart setting up shop in Council Bluffs and defending marriage.  We have the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time, do the candidates coming into Iowa have the same ability?  Social conservatism is not dead.

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