Huckabee 2008 Republicans NRAHe’s likely in, he’s likely out, he’s maybe inhe’s likely out, he’s out, but wait a minute… Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s heart may yet tell him yes; his no may not be a no etched in stone.

Appearing today as a guest of the Clinton School of Public Service, the surprise 2008 GOP presidential contender said he did not slam the door shut to running next year when he announced two weeks ago that he had decided against throwing his hat into the ring.

“Everything is still open. I haven’t closed doors. I found long ago that that’s not the smart thing to do,” Huckabee told reporters after a speech at the Clinton presidential library.

But Huckabee acknowledged several factors prompted him to bow out of the 2012 GOP race, not the least of which he said was the difficulty he sees in defeating Democratic President Barack Obama.

I’m getting whiplash.

He’s obviously entitled to make up his own mind in the matter, but after the exit he gave on Fox News I have to wonder how much credibility he would have and how many supporters would he alienate.  I would think that some would say, “no thank you, we’ve moved on.”  Frankly if he doesn’t believe 100% that President Barack Obama can be beaten he shouldn’t run.

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