imageOk.  My family and I have Netflix.  We like other Netflix customers were disappointed to learn that Netflix was going to charge separately for the DVD and streaming especially since their streaming does not carry near the selection that they have with their DVDs.

So in response to the “outcry,”  Reed Hastings the Netflix CEO wrote a blog post.

It seems to strike the right cord, but then came this…

So we realized that streaming and DVD by mail are becoming two quite different businesses, with very different cost structures, different benefits that need to be marketed differently, and we need to let each grow and operate independently. It’s hard for me to write this after over 10 years of mailing DVDs with pride, but we think it is necessary and best: In a few weeks, we will rename our DVD by mail service to “Qwikster”.

Qwikster?  Qwikster?  They’ve gone mad, not only have they come up with worst name ever, but this does nothing to address the complaints people have had.

Update: Ok, I was informed (by my lovely wife) after losing a million subscribers while they are creating a separate website, etc.  The combined price will be the same as it was before which satisfies this Dutchman.  Netflix still must improve their streaming selection or they are going to get creamed by Amazon and others who seem to have a better selection.

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