I just received something in the mail today from Iowans for Public School Options… “Who?” you may ask, don’t worry I didn’t know who they were either.  I did learn today that they are part of the National Coalition for Public School Options, and they believe the following:

We believe students learn in unique ways, and it is not possible for every student’s learning needs to be met by the nearest traditional neighborhood public school; 
We believe parents should have innovative public school options to meet the learning needs of their children;
We believe public school options are increasingly provided from coast-to-coast through charter schools, online schools, magnet schools, open enrollment policies, tuition scholarship opportunities, and other innovative education programs.
We resolve all families should have access to the public school options that best serve their children’s learning needs.

Let me be clear.  I believe in their principles as well.  I am for choice in education in all its forms.  What I find interesting is that they seem to be at the very least apathetic to private education choice.

They are hosting a forum on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 4:00p at the Science Center of Iowa in Des Moines where Governor Branstad can tout his new education blueprint.  Refreshments and SCI admission provided (I trust paid for with Iowans for Public School Options).

This begs the question, what does Governor Branstad linking arms with this group say about his commitment to private instruction options whether they are private charters, private schools, parochial schools, home schooling or private online education?

Perhaps he was desperately looking for another advocacy group that was in favor of some form of choice to plug his blueprint.  This begs a second question, has this group actually read the blueprint?  It’s incredibly weak on choice even with just public options; private options are non-existence.

Originally published at The Des Moines Register’s From The Right Blog

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