both Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann proved themselves honest, consistent, and capable pro-life candidates at the Gift of Life film premiere held in Des Moines, Iowa last night. However, the format did not lend itself to challenging the claims and record of other candidates, which is not only a legitimate, but a necessary component to vetting the presidential candidates.

There is one issue that demonstrates the clear-cut differences between these two candidates and Texas Governor Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Newt Gingrich. These three think it is just fine to kill some babies–not every baby, of course–but just some babies.  They’re just sayin’.

I have not endorsed Bachmann or Santorum[1], but would love for both of them to finish above 15% in Iowa. That would shake up the race.

Which of the babies pictured above would Gingrich sign the death warrant for?  Which one would Romney give the nod to approve her execution?  Of which one would Perry say “go ahead” kill him?

Tonight’s debate in Sioux City may be the last opportunity for Iowans to hear what some want to ignore. The three “almost pro-lifers” should be personally put on the record as to their position on exceptions.     I call them “almost pro-life” because as Bachmann put it last night “every child has been made in the image of God”.

Rick Santorum is on the record as to being 100% pro-life, including the children of rape victims:

“That child is an innocent victim,” Santorum replied. “To be victimized twice would be a horrible thing. It is an innocent human life, genetically human from the moment of conception.”

The campaign of Newt Gingrich recently said:

“Gingrich still supports abortions in the cases of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother. He would allow for the three exceptions”

The campaign of Rick Perry in September said:

“His position has been consistent on this. Gov. Perry is pro-life, with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.”

Mitt Romney has also made his position official:

“I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.”



[1] Which would be the kiss of death, politically speaking.

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