There is a documentary being made with the same title as this post.  Director Matt Barber on his website gives a brief intro as to why he’s making the documentary:

As a young Christian, I was led to believe that sex held a magical power that would transform me into a man and heal all of my insecurities—even more so if I remained pure before marriage. Imagine my surprise after my wedding night when I realized, “I feel like the same person.”

Jesus, Don’t Let Me Die Before I’ve Had Sex will be a feature-length documentary examining the teachings of the evangelical church on sex and exploring the undercurrent of idealism that leaves many lay members feeling frustrated and confused. The movie will paint a picture of what is taught explicitly and implicitly by showing how churchgoers implement those teachings⎯through anecdotes of first kisses, chastity rallies, and secret obsessions.

Here’s a trailer for the documentary:

Jesus, Don’t Let Me Die Before I’ve Had Sex from Matt Barber on Vimeo.


Thoughts?  Listening to some of the stories in the trailer (the documentary is not finished yet) it would seem that there’s a lot that not being communicated to these folks when they were taught about sex.  It also seems to me that the director seems to be focused on those who have struggled with the church’s teaching, and neglecting those who have had positive experiences.  A fair and thoughtful documentary should include both, and I don’t get the sense that is happening here.

HT: Fuller Youth Institute

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