Well USA Today ran an article entitled “Shirtless Tebow is Jockey Sex Symbol.”

All because of this ad.


And there sits the shirtless Denver Broncos Quarterback Tim Tebow posing for the underwear manufacturer Jockey.  Tebow has become quite a sensation and has had a phenomenal year with the Denver Broncos.  As a Christian athlete he has had many opportunities to talk about his faith, and his “Tebowing” has been placed center stage.

But let me ask you – does this impact his witness?  I’m not against guys being shirtless playing ball, at the beach, in the pool, etc.  I don’t believe there’s anything immoral about that.  I don’t personally go around shirtless.  You can thank me now… no I mean really, you can thank me.

This, however, is different than just going around without a shirt because you now see headlines like this:

“Praise Jesus!  Man of the moment Tim Tebow appears shirtless in new Jockey ad – and surprise, surprise underwear sales soar

What do you think, is it appropriate or not?

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