obama-romneyI’ll preface any comments I make about the CBS poll that was just released today that it is early and could change, but I found it very interesting especially after Democrats have accused Republicans for declaring a war on women.  Not only is Mitt Romney leading President Barack Obama among all voters 46% to 43%, he also leads among women 46% to 44%.

While you aren’t seeing a huge wave of support one way or another over same sex marriage Romney gets more of a boast because of his opposition (23% say they are more likely to vote for Romney, 20% among independents) than what Obama sees from his support (16% are more likely, 14% among independents).  25% of voters registered said they were less likely to support Obama as a result of his endorsement, 22% of independents.

Also nationally 51% of Americans don’t believe same sex marriage should not be made legal.  While certainly you see this as a prevailing view among Republicans (81%), a majority of independents (53%) say it should not be made legal and 25% of Democrats say it shouldn’t be.  There is, to be expected, a gap when you compare 18-44-year-olds to those 45 or older.  A majority among younger voters 55% to 44% believe same sex marriage should be legal.  A majority of older Americans believe it shouldn’t be, by a larger margin, 56% to 31%.  50% of those surveyed favor a marriage amendment.

Looking at 2012 while the economy still is the top issue, an issue that Obama will have problems with, his position on same-sex marriage isn’t going to do him any favors either.  So from a political point of view his recent endorsement seems like a miscalculation on Obama’s part and will do him more harm than good.  Especially when coupled with a struggling economy.

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