
Former Senator and Presidential Candidate, Rick Santorum, stumped for Ben Lange the Republican candidate for Congress in Iowa’s First Congressional District Race yesterday and Tuesday.  Santorum also attended events for John  Archer who is the Republican running against Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-IA) in Iowa’s Second Congressional District race.  After appearing at a press conference for Give Cures, Santorum attended a town hall in Marshalltown, IA with Lange.

Approximately 50 people attended the event held at Pizza Ranch in Marshalltown.  After local candidates spoke, including Jane Jech the Republican Candidate in Iowa Senate District 36 (whom I endorsed in her primary), Santorum spoke about the need for Iowans to send conservatives to the House.  He said that “we don’t have a conservative majority in the House, we may have a Republican majority, but not a conservative one.”  He also pointed out how Congressman Bruce Braley has been backed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.  You can watch the video of his comments below:


Lange talked about why he decided to run again after being narrowly defeated by Braley in 2010.  He said that Governor Terry Branstad won the First Congressional District by 5000 votes so if there is a good turnout to the polls it is possible to overcome the deficit he had in 2010.  He addressed what he felt were the important issues in this campaign, both men talked of the importance of this year’s election.  You can watch the video of Lange’s comments below:


Here is the video of the Q&A session Lange had with those in attendance.

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