
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced that its television ad highlighting President Obama’s extreme record on abortion featuring abortion survivor Melissa Ohden will air tonight in the Charlotte, NC media market during the timeframe of President Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. The ad will run on all major networks, costing $42,000.

“President Obama and the Democratic Party platform represent a position on abortion so extreme, voters should question the President’s honesty in committing to finding ‘common ground’ in the last general election,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Opposing the sex selection and post-fetal pain abortion bans voted on in the House of Representatives are minority stances among women and all Americans. Voting four times against measures that would provide equal protection to children accidentally born alive after a failed abortion is a clear minority stance.  Requiring Americans to pay for abortion through their taxes is a minority view as well. Where is that ground he is standing?  It is uncommon, callous, lonely ground.

“So committed to every abortion, this President is committed even to the failed ones. Melissa’s story is the human face of the legislation he rejected four times. He would allow only the abortionist, the one who guaranteed a dead baby, to provide intensive care to the most vulnerable babies imaginable. Why? He explained it would threaten abortion rights generally. This is uncommon heartlessness.”

Polling from the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that 77 percent of Americans (80 percent of women) support banning sex-selective abortion. Additionally, recent national polling from NRLC shows that 63 percent of Americans (70 percent of women) support a ban on late-term abortion past the point at which unborn children feel pain.

Last week the ad ran across Missouri as part of a $150,000 television ad campaign to expose President Obama’s record on abortion in a state that had recently been at the center of the conversation on abortion.

The ad featuring Melissa Ohden is the first in a series exposing President Obama’s extremist record on abortion. The SBA List has additional ads being considered for release in North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin. This week, the SBA List is in the midst of a five state “Women Speak Out: Abortion is Not Health Care” bus tour which has drawn attention to President Obama’s extreme record on abortion. Full schedule available at

Watch the ad below:

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