obama-jeremiah-wrightFrom Erick Erickson at RedState.com

Consider this — Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker wrote a lengthy profile of Michele Bachmann’s religious views and, in the process, got major portions of Bachmann’s theology flat out wrong.  She’s Lutheran. He painted her to be part of a fringe cult, in the process misdefining basic theological terms.

Then there was Bill Keller of the New York Times. He thinks candidates for President should be grilled on their religion. Except, he’s only doing this now, after Barack Obama got elected President.

The Huffington Post declares Paul Ryan has, of all things, a Catholic problem.

Now, NBC News has run a special introducing Americans to Mormons. Not in 2010, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was running for re-election, but now. Meet the Press felt compelled to get Mitt Romney to discuss it. What’s amazing to me is how the media pretends it thoroughly vetted Barack Obama’s relationship with Jeremiah Wright when, in reality, we probably know more about Sarah Palin as a Vice Presidential nominee from 2008 than we do about Barack Obama.

The media claims it vetted the Wright connection, when it reality it did not. Either Barack Obama was using Jeremiah Wright to claim some grounding in faith when he did not have what he claimed, or Barack Obama was cool with Jeremiah Wright’s theology, which as you’ll recall was important enough to Obama to use in the title of Obama’s second autobiography, published when he was gearing up for his first presidential run.

President Obama’s faith should be explored.  Watch the video above as a reminder of his controversial pastor of 20 years.  It’s time to properly #VetObama

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