President Barack Obama meets with Benjamin Netanyahu
Official White House Photo

The Middle East in the midst of a crisis.Ā  Iran is on the verge of having a nuclear weapon something that most countries deem undesirable.Ā  Israel is the nation most at risk if they do.Ā  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to be in New York at the end of this month for a U.N Conference.Ā  He requested a meeting with the President Barack Obama then.Ā  Yesterday, Haaretz reported that the Obama Administration declined the request for a meeting then later the White House denied a request was ever made.

They cite a scheduling conflict, but wouldnā€™t it make sense based on the urgency of the situation for to him carve out some time to meet with Netanyahu?Ā  They evidently had time to schedule an interview with Dave Letterman and announce it on the same day they declined Prime Minister Netanyahu.Ā  It seems to be a clear case of misplaced priorities.

The United States has been sending mixed messages to the Israelis.Ā  They have also drug their feet on strong sanctions and a military option, and should Israel decide to take action our backing and support remains unclear.Ā  Prime Minister Netanyahu is clearly frustrated by this as evidenced by comments he made yesterday:

In heated comments toward the United States, the Israeli prime minister said that itā€™s becoming clear that diplomacy will not work with Iran.

ā€œThe world tells Israel, `Wait. Thereā€™s still time,ā€™ā€ Netanyahu said Tuesday, according to The Associated Press. ā€œAnd I say: `Wait for what? Wait until when?ā€™ Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran donā€™t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.ā€

Israel doesnā€™t need a feud with the United States, they need to know we truly do have their back if they do take action against Iran to attempt to halt their nuclear program.

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