
Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday which always falls on the third Sunday in January.  One day I pray we won’t have to have these.  I’d also like to add that this is a topic that shouldn’t be relegated to one Sunday a year.  Pastors, be bold in proclaiming this truth among other truths from the pulpit.  If you are preaching the whole counsel of God then you cannot avoid this.

40 years… 40 years since Roe v. Wade and it has been 40 years too many.  Over 55 million babies have been slaughtered in the womb.  We must stand for life.  The Church must be a prophetic voice to the nations.  If not us, then who?  Who will speak out for these “little ones”? (Fetus in Latin means “little one”)

This is a sermon that I preached back in 2009.  The last time I was in the pulpit on Sanctity of Life Sunday.  I was then the interim pastor of Grace Evangelical Free Church in Indianola, IA.  In this sermon I provided a biblical framework for life and why I, as a follower of Christ, am prolife.  You can download it here or listen in the player above.

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