plannedparenthoodhr217WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today while hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans attended the March for Life in Washington, D.C., the Republican National Committee passed a pro-life resolution to defund America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, of all taxpayer funding. Citing Planned Parenthood’s decline in cancer screening and prevention services, the RNC resolved to re-designate those dollars to entities that specialize in cancer screenings for women. The resolution was sponsored by RNC committeewoman Ellen Barrosse of Delaware.

“We are so thankful for the work of Committeewoman Barrosse and are thrilled with the RNC for taking this pro-life stand to get taxpayers out of the abortion business,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List. “Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report revealed that while they received a record number of taxpayer dollars in 2011, they also performed a record high 333,964 abortions. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood’s real health services for women went down. This abortion-centered business simply doesn’t need or deserve taxpayer dollars.”

“President Obama was willing to shut down the entire federal government in 2010 in order to protect Planned Parenthood’s funding citing their so-called dedication to women’s health care,” said Ellen Barrosse, sponsor of the resolution. “However, we can see from their latest annual report that since 2009, Planned Parenthood’s cancer screening & prevention services have dropped by 29 percent. I’m grateful for the work of the Susan B. Anthony List in exposing Planned Parenthood’s failure to provide women with comprehensive health care. It’s time to send our taxpayer dollars to organizations that truly care about women. I thank my fellow RNC members for reaffirming our commitment to the unborn and their mothers.”

More facts available on the SBA List’s One-Page Fact Sheet on Planned Parenthood’s 2011-2012 Annual Report.

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