One day I’ll actually get to go to the Gospel Coalition conference, but I’m going to do the next best thing. This year’s conference is online for free, which with this economy that makes more sense anyway. This year’s theme is “Entrusted With The Gospel: Living the Vision of 2 Timothy.”
Plenary Speakers:
Session 1: Tim Keller, "The Grand Demythologizer: The Gospel and Idolatry" (Acts 19:21-41)
Session 2: John Piper, "Feed the Flame of God’s Gift: Unashamed Courage in the Gospel" (2 Timothy 1:1-12)
Session 3: Phil Ryken, "The Pattern of Sound Words" (2 Timothy 1:13-2:13)
Session 4: Mark Driscoll, "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" (2 Timothy 2:14-26)
Session 5: K. Edward Copeland, "Shadowlands: Pitfalls and Parodies of Gospel-Centered Ministry" (2 Timothy 3:1-9)
Session 6: Bryan Chapell, "Preach the Word!" (2 Timothy 3:10-4:5)
Session 7: Ajith Fernando, "Gospel-Faithful Mission in the New Christendom"
Session 8: Panel Discussion: Tim Keller, John Piper, Ligon Duncan and Crawford Loritts (chair: Stephen Um)
Session 9: Ligon Duncan, "Finishing Well" (2 Timothy 4:6-22)
Session 10: Don Carson, "That By All Means I Might Win Some’: Faithfulness and Flexibility in Gospel Proclamation" (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)
- Thabiti Anyabwile, "The Decline of African-American Theology"
- Buster Brown, "Preaching in a Christianized Culture"
- Steven Chin, "Working Faithfully Under a Senior Pastor"
- Graham Cole, "Homosexuality and the Bible: Texts, Hermeneutics, and Pastoral Wisdom"
- K. Edward Copeland and Charlie Dates, "Mentoring Younger Pastors"
- Andy Davis, "The Gospel and Social Action"
- Joshua Harris, "Ministering in a Church-Hopping Society"
- David Helm, "Biblical Reflections on Building a Staff"
- Bill Kynes, "Complementarianism: Definition and Priorities"
- Crawford Loritts, "Staying Faithful, Staying Relevant: The Use and Abuse of Polemical Preaching"
- Jeff Louie, "Gospel and Community: Definitions and Crucial Issues"
- Erwin Lutzer, "Finishing Well in Life and Ministry"
- C. J. Mahaney, "The Pastor’s Charge"
- Tom Nelson and Matt Perman, "The Gospel and Money"
- Colin Smith, "Transformational Expository Preaching"
- Stephen Um, "On Ministry and Revolving Doors: Practical Challenges and Ideas for Ministry in a Mobile Society"
- Sandy Willson, "Gospel Mission to the World: Arrogance or Love?"