Craig T. Nelson was on the Glenn Beck show yesterday.  He said, “I’m not going to pay anymore money (as in taxes).”

Watch the video:

Read the transcript.

Thoughts?  I’m not advocating tax evasion, because as a follower of Christ I can’t condone tax evasion to protest fiscal mismanagement.  Jesus said to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s,” (Matthew 22:21, ESV).

Would it be effective if a million taxpayers did so?  Probably, but as a follower of Christ I don’t believe that I’m released to do so because my fiscal conservative ideals are being ignored.

Some would say civil disobedience due to taxpayer funds being used for abortion, or perhaps other programs that may be contrary to scripture down the road (I’m not saying there will be), is appropriate.

What do you think?  When would it be ok, if ever, to practice civil disobedience through withholding taxes?

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