Sam-Clovis.jpg(Des Moines, IA)  “President Obama’s apology is pretty weak for those Iowans who have lost their healthcare coverage because of Obamacare,” said Sam Clovis.  “Millions of Americans are being penalized for his failing law and an apology does nothing to remedy the letters they have already received informing them that the private insurance they were once told they could keep has now been canceled.  This is wrong and the responsibility lies at the feet of the President and career politicians like Rep. Bruce Braley.”

Sam Clovis is running for the U.S. Senate seat being held by Tom Harkin.  Senator Harkin is retiring at the end of this Congressional session.

Bruce Braley has been a strong advocate for Obamacare from its inception.  In a press statement on March 3, 2010, Braley said, “This legislation will provide much-needed relief for thousands of businesses in Iowa’s First District and will reduce our deficit by more than $143 billion over the next 10 years and $1.2 trillion in the 10 years after that.”

“Thus far, we have already seen millions of Americans lose their insurance despite empty promises from President Obama and Rep. Bruce Braley. We know of countless businesses that have cut their full-time employees down to 28 hours and are now unable to offer them anything in the way of health insurance because of Obamacare regulations,” said Clovis.  “Rep. Bruce Braley and his vote for this disastrous law is the reason that Iowans are now feeling its consequences.”  Clovis has been a strong opponent of Obamacare and its implications for Iowans.

He continued by saying that Obamacare and its implementation has taken away the security that Iowans have come to know when providing for their families and themselves.  “Obamacare is continuing to destroy free market opportunities to provide healthcare for millions of American families.  Now, with all of the problems incurred since October 1st, it is time for President Obama and Rep. Bruce Braley to not only apologize for their failures but to also finally fix the disaster their biggest legislative accomplishment is bestowing on our nation.”

Sam Clovis holds a Masters in Business Administration in Management and a Doctorate in Public Administration.  He is currently a tenured full professor at a private liberal arts college in northwest Iowa.  He served in the United States Air Force for 25 years and still provides leadership to defense and homeland security institutions.  He lives in Hinton, IA with his wife Charlotte and stepson Khan.  More information on the candidate and his campaign may be obtained at

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