During an interview that former President Bill Clinton had with OZY founder Carolos Watson he said that President Obama should honor his pledge that those who like their health insurance plans should be able to keep them under Obamacare.  Clinton has been a supporter of Obamacare in general, but disagrees with the administration on this aspect of Obamacare.


"So I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got.” Clinton said to Watson.

You know it’s bad when the Obama administration starts to take flak from their own side.  Et Tu Bill?

Update: Congressman Kurt Schrader (D-OR) said that President Obama was being grossly misleading.

"I think next year at the election time, people are going to want to know, was I able to sign up? And what is the shape of the benefit package I’m going to get and how much is it going to cost me, at the end of the day? I think this will, the sign-up period and problems and the horrendous problems that are going on right now will be way in the past.

"I think the president was grossly misleading to the American public. I know right away as a veterinarian, I have my own business, that my policies got cancelled even before the Affordable Care Act. I know that I would change policies on a regular basis, trying to find the best deal for myself and my employees. But a lot of Americans, a lot of Oregonians, have stayed with the same policy for a number of years and are shocked that their policy got cancelled.

"So I think the president saying you could stay with it and not being honest that a lot of these policies were going to get cancelled was grossly misleading to the American public and is causing added stress and added strife as we go through a really difficult time with health care."

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