
2nd Update (5/24/14): State Representative John Landon in House District 37 was added.

5/24/14 update: Iowa Right to Life today announced the support of Robert Cramer in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District and Jeremy Davis in Iowa Senate District 23.  On their Facebook page Jenifer Bowen wrote, “We are pleased to announce that, upon receiving our survey back today, we unsurprisingly support Robert Cramer for U.S. Representative District 3! A formal release will be sent out from our office on Tuesday–we wanted to share the great news with you today! We thank the Cramer campaign staff for their non-stop, supportive communication with us over the last day, as well as Robert’s supporters.”

Regarding Jeremy Davis Bowen wrote, “…we couldn’t wait to tell you about this GREAT candidate, who we will happily work with to unseat pro-abortion Sen. Herman Quirmbach!”  They will send out a formal release on Tuesday.

Tom Hoefling wrote on his website why he refused to return the survey.

Original: (Des Moines, IA) For well over a dozen election cycles, the Iowa Right to Life Board of Directors has evaluated the responses to our survey of candidates for state and federal offices on right to life related issues. It is a very serious undertaking and we strive for objectivity. We publish the results of our evaluations as a service to our membership.

Our criteria for evaluation for the primary election Tuesday, June 3, includes not only responses to the survey, but news reports, interviews by us or others, voting history if an incumbent, consistency of the candidate within these aspects and an analysis of their legislative and political prospects in light of our legislative priorities.  It is imperative that there be an understanding of the dignity and worth of each human life, whatever his or her state of circumstances before and after birth. A candidate’s willingness to respond to our survey is a critical part of the evaluation process.

For purposes of succinctness we have listed the candidates we find sufficiently meet our judgment criteria reflecting ability, sincerity and responsiveness in support of our Pro-Life legislative priorities.

Readers should also be aware that we have specific legislative goals and priorities that are determined by legislative and political experience and with reference to legal scholarship by the best the Pro-Life movement has to offer. A candidate who says they oppose abortion in all circumstances and pretends that is sufficient as a legislative approach given the realities of abortion on demand imposed on the states as a result of the Roe v. Wade decision or accuses an opponent of insincerity for supporting measures consistent with our experienced goals and priorities, at best, we believe would be an ineffective legislator.

We believe our readers will find this information crucial to evaluating the candidates for the Iowa primary election on Tuesday, June 3. After the primary we will evaluate candidates for the general election, resurveying as necessary.

Candidates Iowa Right to Life Believes Best Meet Evaluation Criteria:

(Where multiple candidates are listed for a particular race, they are in alphabetical order)

Governor and Lieutenant Governor

  • Governor Terry Branstad
  • Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds

U.S Senate

  • Sam Clovis
  • Senator Joni Ernst
  • Matt Whitaker

U.S. Representative District 1

  • Rod Blum
  • Steve Rathje

U.S. Representative District 2

  • Matthew Waldren

U.S. Representative District 3

  • Robert Cramer
  • Joe Grandanette
  • Matt Schultz
  • Monte Shaw
  • David Young
  • Senator Brad Zaun

U.S. Representative District 4

  • Congressman Steve King

State Senator

  • District 1:    Senator David Johnson
  • District 3:    Senator Bill Anderson
  • District 5:    Tim Kraayenbrink
  • District 7:    Senator Rick Bertrand
  • District 9:    Jason Schultz
  • District 11:  Art Hill
  • District 13:  Senator Julian Garrett
  • District 15:  Crystal Bruntz
  • District 19:  Senator Jack Whitver
  • District 23:  Jeremy Davis
  • District 25:  Senator Bill Dix
  • District 27:  Shawn Dietz AND Timothy Junker
  • District 29:  James Budde AND James Heavens
  • District 39:  Royce Phillips
  • District 41:  Senator Mark Chelgren
  • District 47:  Senator Roby Smith

State Representative

  • District 1:    John Wills
  • District 2:    Rep. Megan Hess
  • District 3:    Rep. Daniel Huseman
  • District 4:    Rep. Dwayne Alons
  • District 5:    Rep. Chuck Soderberg
  • District 6:    Rep. Ron Jorgensen
  • District 7:    Rep. Tedd Gassman
  • District 10:  Mike Sexton
  • District 12:  Brian Best
  • District 15:  Troy Arthur AND John Blue
  • District 16:  Rep. Mary Ann Hanusa
  • District 17:  Rep. Matt Windschitl
  • District 18:  Steven Holt AND Dillon Malone
  • District 19:  Rep. Ralph Watts
  • District 20:  Rep. Clel Baudler
  • District 21:  Rep. Jack Drake
  • District 22:  Rep. Greg Forristall
  • District 23:  Rep. Mark Costello
  • District 24:  Rep. Cecil Dolecheck
  • District 25:  Rep. Stan Gustafson
  • District 26:  James Butler AND Eric Durbin
  • District 27:  Rep. Joel Fry
  • District 28:  Rep. Greg Heartsill
  • District 29:  Patrick Payton
  • District 30:  Zach Nunn
  • District 37:  Rep. John Landon
  • District 38:  Rep. Kevin Koester
  • District 39:  Rep. Jake Highfill
  • District 43:  Rep. Chris Hagenow
  • District 47:  Rep. Chip Baltimore
  • District 54:  Rep. Linda Upmeyer
  • District 55:  Darrel Branhagen
  • District 57:  Ryan Kilburg
  • District 60:  Rep. Walt Rogers
  • District 63:  Rep. Sandy Salmon
  • District 64:  Craig Johnson
  • District 67:  Rep. Kraig Paulsen
  • District 68:  Ken Rizer
  • District 71:  Jane Jech
  • District 72:  Rep. Dean Fisher
  • District 75:  Rep. Dawn Pettengill
  • District 79:  Rep. Guy Vander Linden
  • District 80:  Rep. Larry Sheets
  • District 82:  Jeff Shipley
  • District 84:  Rep. David Heaton AND Ralph Holmstrom
  • District 91:  Mark Cisneros
  • District 92:  Ross Paustian
  • District 94:  Rep. Linda Miller
  • District 95:  Rep. Quentin Stanerson
  • District 96:  Rep. Lee Hein
  • District 97:  Norlin Mommsen

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