If you read my blog long enough you’ll know that I am a believer in capitalism and the free market system.  However, that system breaks down when greed enters in.  It works well and was designed for a moral people.

However, money for many has become an idol, greed takes over.  I don’t think socialism is the answer for this (actually it’s just another extension based on covetousness), but rather forsaking that idol and turning to Jesus.

But often instead we place our faith in money and try to find security in our 401Ks and possessions.  Jesus has said we that is is hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God, (Luke 18:25).  But often we trust in what really provides false security.

Seth Barnes shared a video this morning of Francis Chan’s message on living radically in a comfortable world – which is where most of us in the United States typically live, as Chan said many, even in the Church, are lukewarm and loving it.

Additional Thought: While I agree with Chan’s message about the dangers of wealth. He doesn’t quite come out and say it, but seems to imply those in Revelation 3:14-22 who are lukewarm are Christians who lose their salvation. I can’t go there with him.

Those who are saved will persevere and overcome.

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