We aren’t sure we would call it “magic,” but this is where something happens.
We aren't sure we would call it "magic," but this is where something happens.
We aren’t sure we would call it “magic,” but this is where “it” happens.

Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers were talking education!  Jenni White, President of Restore Oklahoma Public Education (ROPE) was on to discuss Oklahoma’s recent repeal of the Common Core being upheld by their state’s supreme court.  Also Jane Robbins with American Principles Project was on to talk about the College Board’s recent changes to the Advanced Placement U.S. History exam and framework.

Plus Shane goes a little ballistic over the narcissist-in-chief’s Presdient Obama’s speech in Austin where he “let ‘er rip.”  Also, is the Iowa Department of Education ignoring Governor Terry Branstad’s executive order on Common Core?

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