There is another set of concerns about the health care that I haven’t really seen discussed much (probably because its a 1,000 pages plus long and there is a lot to discuss).  The Home School Legal Defense Association did take note of how H.R. 3200 or “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009” 

In a legislative summary they write that while it wouldn’t directly impact homeschool freedoms, it would impact parental rights and early childhood education and should be opposed for the following reasons:

    • Spend billions of dollars to allow the federal government to fund home visitation programs, where government officials would enter homes and monitor children and instruct parents in how to raise their children;
    • Encourage states to pressure families to enroll their children in these home visitation programs;
    • Put the federal government in the healthcare business, resulting in loss of competition, loss of patient choice, and loss of patient freedom;
    • Require all health insurance plans, whether offered by a private company or the government, to include controversial “essential benefits,” which courts or the Secretary of Health and Human Services may determine to include medical procedures which businesses and taxpayers may oppose on philosophical and religious grounds…

Oh yeah, don’t forget to report this post to the White House as well.

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