john-kasich-ohioThe Washington Times reported that Governor John Kasich (R-Ohio) told a group of reporters while on a 2-day, five-stop trip to New Hampshire that he’s a normal guy.

ā€œIā€™m John Kasich. Iā€™m an unorthodox politician because Iā€™m normal. Iā€™m a normal guy that has big job. I donā€™t think of myself as anything particularly special. Iā€™m a happy person. I like myself. Iā€™m comfortable with myself. And Iā€™m pretty normal in an abnormal profession,” Kasich stated.

So in order to be normal you have to be unorthodox? Ā What exactly is unorthodox about Kasich? Ā He seems right in step with establishment Republicans to me.

Perhaps it’s unorthodox to call fierce opposition to the Common Core State Standards “a runaway internet issue.”

Sometimes things get to be political, they get to be runaway Internet issues. I’ve looked at it. The federal government did not tell us what test to give, the federal government did not tell us what the standards ought to be. It was set by governors. And some of the governors that set the standards are now saying they don’t like the program. You ought to ask them the question.

I am looking forward to the Ohio Governor to come to Iowa and explain that. Ā It’s also good to know that Kasich, of all the prospective presidential candidates, may have the best self-esteem. Ā Come spread some of that good will and cheer in the Hawkeye State.

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