Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats in Congress, and the media love downplaying the tea party movement and dissent at health care townhalls as “astroturf” not real grassroots.  We’re part of a conspiracy, funded by who knows who.

Steven Crowder of PJTV went undercover as a “liberal” seeking to get involved in a “grassroots” organization.  It’s pretty interesting to learn that they pay their people to be involved.  I know, this is probably just the lone exception to the rule, right?  Watch here or below:

Ah I’d like to remind everyone that nobody paid me to attend the Boswell townhall meeting or the Des Moines Tea Party (and the people who put the tea party together were completely volunteer).  Did that completely on my own, and nobody even gave me a sign… unlike the nice signs that Obamacare supporters were coming with paid for by Organizing for America.

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