Photo credit: Nick Smith (CC-By-SA 3.0)
Photo credit: Nick Smith (CC-By-SA 3.0)

The Iowa House of Representatives passed HF 614 on a 53-43 vote that legalizes fireworks starting on December 1, 2015 should the bill become law.  The Iowa Senate passed a similar bill out of the Senate.

“Iowans are reasonable, responsible people.  Why don’t we trust them? This bill will allow them the opportunity to make the choice. Allow them the opportunity to train their children as they see fit, or not, on proper firework safety,” State Representative Matt Windschitl (R-Missouri Valley) during floor debate.  Windschitl floor managed the bill.

The bill allows city councils  or county board of supervisors to ban or restrict on fireworks.  The original bill was amended to increase the licensing fees for sellers to better match-up with the Senate version of the bill.

The bill allows the sale of fireworks such as Roman candles, firecrackers and bottle rockets that have been banned since 1937.  The use of fireworks is restricted in the legislation to the hours of 9:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Arguments against the bill primarily dealt with safety concerns.  Groups such as the Iowa Emergency Services Association, Iowa Independent Physicians Group, The Iowa Clinic, Iowa Optometric Association, Iowa Nurses Association, Iowa Medical Society and Iowa Insurance Institute registered against the bill.

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