IMG_0992(Des Moines, IA) Thursday evening approximately 300 Iowans attended the grand opening of the Iowa Headquarters for U.S. Senator Rand Paul’s presidential campaign.  This was the final stop on Paul’s two-day, nine-city sweep through the state. Earlier that day, Paul spoke to crowds in Dubuque and Cedar Rapids, and met with roughly 100 farmers in Brooklyn.

He took pictures with those who attended and addressed the group for 17 minutes.  His message to those gathered was that he stood for the entire bill of rights, not just some of them.  Paul has focused on the 4th and 5th amendments that have not received much attention from other candidates.  Paul said his message has bipartisan appeal which has given him an edge in toss-up states in head to head polling with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is expected to be Democratic presidential nominee.

“We are leading Hillary in five states won by President Obama. We lead Hillary Clinton in Iowa. Iowa is a purple state.  Everyone thinks it is just about the Republican primary, no it is about the general election. Who can beat Hillary Clinton in Iowa – a purple state that went twice for President Obama? Who can beat Hillary Clinton in Colorado that went twice for President Obama? Who can beat Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania which we haven’t had a Republican win Pennsylvania since 1988? Ohio?” Paul asked.

“You know all these states. These are the battleground states we can win, and often they say ‘oh so and so is too principled to win.’ We can can combine both being for principles, being for ideas, being for new ideas and winnability. We are the only Republican who leads Hillary Clinton in five states won by President Obama, and it is because of your help.  It is because of this liberty movement that is spreading throughout the country,” Paul added.

Watch his entire remarks here or below:

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