Congressman Steve King at Cerro Gordo GOP event on 3/18/14. Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Congressman Steve King at Cerro Gordo GOP event on 3/18/14.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –
Congressman Steve King at Cerro Gordo GOP event on 3/18/14. Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Congressman Steve King at Cerro Gordo GOP event on 3/18/14.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

(Wall Lake, IA) Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) was endorsed by the Gun Owners of America on Wednesday in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District race.

In the endorsement, Tim Macy, chairman of Gun Owners of America, said, “Steve King has been a friend of Gun Owners of America and law-abiding Second Amendment supporters during his entire time in Congress. And that’s not something you can say about many Members of Congress.”

King is pleased to receive the endorsement of Gun Owners of America, an active and effective advocacy group sharing his desire to defend Second Amendment rights. “’…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.’ When our Founding Fathers wrote these words in the Second Amendment, their intent was clear. An armed populace is a defense against tyranny. As a Member of Congress, sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution, I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Gun Owners of America. Tyranny takes many forms; citizens of the United States have an individual right to keep and bear arms to deter the threat of tyranny. We have an obligation to exercise our rights because the enemies of liberty will define our rights away from us if we fail to exercise them,” he remarked.

The Gun Owners of America endorsement is the most recent among others King has received from Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst as well as Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey.

King serves on the US House Agriculture, Judiciary, and Small Business Committees. In 2015, he was named Chairman of the Executive Overreach Task Force by Speaker Paul Ryan. King has long chaired the Conservative Opportunity Society (COS), an organization founded by Speaker Newt Gingrich and others in 1983. COS is the leading voice for Constitutional and conservative principles in the U.S. House and represents one of only a half dozen seats at Speaker Ryan’s discussion table each week.

Congressman King is the founder of King Construction. A former small business owner, King resides in rural Sac County, Iowa, with his wife of 43 years, Marilyn. The Kings have three happily married sons and seven grandchildren; all the Kings live within 10 miles of each other.

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