
To the Republicans who insist that conservatives must unite and vote for “the lesser of two evils” to prevent Hillary from winning the White House, I ask:  At what point do you propose that I violate my conscience by voting for evil?  Because that’s exactly what you’re telling me to do, isn’t it?  Vote for evil.

I’m not suggesting Donald Trump has horns and a tail.  I’m referring to his policies, tactics, and personal characteristics.  This isn’t a silly discussion in which “evil” is a figurative term (as in “I ate the fruit cup instead of the cheese cake because it was the lesser of two evils”).  The lesser of two evils in this case actually is evil. 

Trump has demonstrated that he is a racist, sexist, liar who incites violence, bullies, never asks forgiveness, and proudly seeks revenge.  You’re familiar with this, yet you instruct me to vote for him anyway.  Your reasoning is that he wouldn’t be as bad as Hillary.  But whether he would or wouldn’t be “as bad” isn’t the issue. 

Trump’s stand on abortion is a case in point.  Trump was pro-choice before he slapped an R behind his name very recently.  He donated lots of money over many years to Democrats, including Hillary, who are rabidly pro-choice.  After joining this presidential race he insisted he was no longer pro-choice, then flip-flopped (several times in a few days), then said he would like to change the Republican platform from its current pro-life position.  For people like me, who are strongly pro-life, Trump’s position isn’t the lesser of two evils, it’s just evil.   I get that he isn’t arguing for late term and partial birth abortions like Hillary, but that’s a distinction of degree, not of kind.  Am I supposed to feel better because I vote for killing babies earlier rather than later?  With Trump as the Republican standard-bearer, we can expect the issue of abortion nationally to take another hard jerk to the left.  And where does it go from there?  With no conservative party standing against evil (greater or lesser), eventually anything goes.

This reasoning can be applied to every “Trump is the lesser evil” argument.  Hillary is a liar.  So is Trump.  Am I comforted for supporting a liar just because he says he’s Republican?  Hillary is a bully.  So is Trump.  Will I sleep better at night knowing that the guy I vote for will bully people I like less?  Hillary is divisive and supports violence.  So is and does Trump.  When I stand before my Creator, do I really want to explain that I knowingly and willfully voted for this, “but only because I really, really wanted to keep the White House”? 

Trump is not a conservative, and his policies (when you can figure out what they are) harm people.  If harming people on a national scale isn’t evil, then what is it?  Trump has consistently shown, over time, with his words, actions, and financial contributions (not just his inconsistent rhetoric since running for President), that he supports eminent domain, socialized healthcare, nationalized education, and cronyism.  He’s an authoritarian who respects Vladmir Putin’s leadership, and has little interest in protecting freedom of speech or religion.  “Less evil” is still evil, and evil doesn’t cut it. 

Republicans used to stand for morals and responsibility.  Now the GOP is telling me to vote for someone who is despicable, with reprehensible beliefs and policies, because he is less evil than Hillary.  Try to follow:  Democrats set the standard for how evil a leader can be, then you tell me to vote for a person who is only less evil.  So, as Democrats in elections get more evil, I have to assume that Republicans running against them will also become more evil (since the only standard remaining is that the Republicans be “less evil” than the Democrats they run against).  The final “up yours” is that as Republicans follow Democrats in becoming more evil (by being only “less evil”, you see), the Democrats are enabled to bedevil themselves to greater degrees with the Republicans becoming more evil to maintain this ugly cycle.  Surely you see my dilemma.

I get that you’re terrified of Hillary winning.  A Hillary administration is the stuff of nightmares.  But at what point do principled people say “No.”?  When do reasonable people say, “This far, and no farther.”?  Conservatives have been furious with Congress for not standing against the Obama agenda.  Now many of you who howled about our congress people selling out their principles to play it safe through the next election want me to do the same thing, and for the same reason.  Are you telling me this election is too important to risk on principles?  Is that what you teach your kids?

I will not vote for Donald Trump.  I won’t vote for Hillary Clinton, either.  I understand what’s at stake, and it’s not just the next four to eight years.  It’s not even how many screaming-liberal Supreme Court justices get appointed.  It’s about having any conservative platform left to fight the evil of progressivism.  And the way to fight isn’t by capitulating to evil, all the while rationalizing the capitulation by calling the evil “lesser”.  The way to fight is by taking a stand for conservatism, and by voting for leaders who do the same.  Whether that means voting for a third party, independent, or write-in candidate, screaming bloody murder at current elected officials, or getting involved in other ways, every conservative has personal decisions to make.  Remember Edmund Burke said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  Consider how much easier it is for evil to prevail if good people vote for it.    

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