Dom Raso

Former Navy SEAL Dom Raso in a video released by the National Rifle Association says that the AR-15 is Americans’ best defense in an age of terror.

Raso was responding to politicians, including Hillary Clinton, who call the AR-15 and other “assault weapons” “weapons of war.” Which they are not as I covered Wednesday.

What makes the AR-15 a good choice for Americans who want to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights? Raso says it is:

  • easy to learn.
  • easy to use.
  • accurate.
  • reliable.

“I guarantee if the founding fathers would have known this gun would be invented they wouldn’t have rewritten the 2nd Amendment they would have fortified it in stone. Because they knew the only way for us to stay free is by having whatever guns the bad guys have. This firearm gives average people the advantage they so desperately need and deserve to protect their life, liberty, and happiness.” Raso said.

Raso points out that terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Boston, Paris and Belgium were not thwarted by strict gun control measures. They just put law-abiding citizens at risk.

Raso also points out that Hillary Clinton has been protected for three decades by protection details armed with AR-15, and that police have responded to terrorist attacks armed with AR-15s.

“Why would you want to ban the gun you pray for police to show up with?” Raso asked.

Good question.

Watch the video below:

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