New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan who is running against U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) for U.S. Senate in an interview on CNN on Tuesday refused to answer if Hillary Clinton was honest or trustworthy.

CNN highlights their recent poll that showed only 34% of Americans believe Clinton is honest and trustworthy. They then ask Hassan, who is a Clinton supporter, about it.

CNN reporter: Do you think (Hillary Clinton) is honest and trustworthy?

Maggie Hassan: I support Hillary Clinton for the presidency because of her experience and her record demonstrate that she is qualified to hold the job.

CNN reporter: Do you think she is honest? 

Hassan: She has a critical, critical plan among others for making college more affordable (edited out ums)

CNN reporter: But do you think that she is trustworthy? 

Hassan: I think she has demonstrated a commitment always to something beyond herself, bigger than herself.

First, this is refreshing to see this line of questioning because Republican candidates are asked all of the time about Donald Trump. Democrat candidates need to be asked questions like this as often as Republican candidates are. It’s only fair. So props to CNN.

Second, this wasn’t a trick question. It is pretty straightforward. Either you believe Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy or you don’t. Since Governor Hassan couldn’t answer this question after being asked three times I think we can safely say that she doesn’t believe Clinton is honest or trustworthy. If she did she would come right out and say so.

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