Every election cycle the “lesser of two evils” concept comes up, and frequently you’ll hear it said that “voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.” The problem with this assertion is that no one ever defines what is meant by evil in this context, nor does anyone ever define the nature of a vote. Each of these definitions profoundly affects the veracity of the assertion, and defining the two of them can be rather tricky. Within the context of original sin, for example, we’re ALL evil. Compared to Hitler or Pol Pot, on the other hand, I assume none of us are. And sometimes it is said that a vote is a sacred endorsement; a matter of the highest principle. Sometimes it is said to be an indication of a mere preference. So the next time someone brings up voting for the lesser of two evils, ask them what they really mean.
This is Brian Myers with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.
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