Footage taken by the Center for Medical Progress at the National Abortion Federation conventions in 2014 and 2015  has to be one of the most sickening of all of the videos they have released over the last two years.

The footage was shown in CMP’s most recent video uploaded on May 3, but released by David Daleiden’s attorneys, Steve Cooley and Brentford J. Ferreira, on Wednesday has never been seen before because of a federal judge’s injunction preventing the release of video from those conventions.

3rd Update: LiveLeak has the full video. All of the raw footage from these conventions can be found here.

2nd Update: I found an edited, shorter version of the video on Facebook.

Update: The video was ordered taken down. AP reports:

A federal judge said Thursday he will consider holding the leader of an anti-abortion group in contempt after links to videos that the judge had barred from release appeared on the website of the man’s attorneys.

U.S. District Judge William Orrick ordered David Daleiden and his attorneys, Steve Cooley and Brentford J. Ferreira, to appear at a June 14 hearing to consider contempt sanctions.

A phone message at Cooley and Ferreira’s law firm number was not immediately returned. A representative for Daleiden said she expected to have a statement later. 

Daleiden is a leader of the Center for Medical Progress, which has released several secretly recorded videos that it says show Planned Parenthood employees selling fetal tissue for profit, which is illegal. Planned Parenthood said the videos were deceptively edited to support false claims.

Unfortunately, the video was taken down before this article was published, but I wasn’t made aware of that until today. You can still read most of the quotes below.

“Our stories don’t really have a place in a lot of pro-choice rhetoric, right? The heads that get stuck that we can’t get out. The hemorrhages that we manage…. You know those are all parts of our experiences, but there’s no real good place for us to share those,” Dr. Lisa Harris, the medical director of Planned Parenthood of Michigan states.

In another clip, Harris admits that abortionists commit homicide. “Given that we actually see the fetus the same way, and given that we might actually both agree that there’s violence in here – Let’s just give them all the violence. It’s a person. It’s killing. Let’s just give them all that.”

“The fetus is a tough little object and, taking it apart; I mean taking it apart, on day one is very difficult.” Dr. Susan Robinson, an abortion provider with Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, said apparently to gain sympathy.

“I’m like, ‘Oh my God!’ I get it! When the skull is broken, that’s really sharp!” Talcott Champ, the Deputy Director of the ACLU Reproductive Health Freedom Project, said. “I get it! I understand why people are talking about getting that skull out, that calvarium.”

“You know sometimes she’ll tell me she wants brain, and we’ll, you know, leave the calvarium in until last and then try basically to take it or actually catch everything, and even keep it separate from the rest of the tissue, so it doesn’t get lost,” Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said explaining what she does to collect fetal brain tissue.

The audience at the convention laughed at Dr. Uta Landy, the founder of Planned Parenthood’s Consortium of Abortion Providers, an account of one abortion she conducted. “An eyeball just fell down into my lap, and that is gross!” she exclaimed.

“Oh we certainly do intact D&Es (dilation and extraction),” Dr. Stacy De-Lin, director of abortion services for Planned Parenthood of New York City, explained.

Later on, in the video De-Lin admitted to the financial perks. “But I think a financial incentive from you guys [tissue buyers] is going to be like . . .  the people who we have to get this approved from will be very happy about it.”

Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, director of abortion services for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, describes how she gets around the federal partial birth abortion ban.

“If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m seeing that I’m in fear that it’s about to come to the umbilicus (navel), I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not PBA,” she admitted.

Worse of all is the admission that some Planned Parenthood clinics profit, illegally, off of the selling of baby body parts.

One StemExpress procurement manager admitted, “There’s a lot of clinics that we work with that, I mean, it helps them out significantly.”

“I know Planned Parenthood sells a lot of stuff to people,” Dr. Paul Blumenthal, former medical director for Planned Parenthood of Maryland bluntly admitted.

“But the truth is that some might want to do it to increase their revenues. And we can’t stop them,” Deb VanDerhei, the national director of the Consortium of Abortion Providers told CMP investigators.

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