Brian Myers and Shane Vander Hart in studio.
Brian Myers and Shane Vander Hart in studio.

This week on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio, Brian Myers and Shane Vander Hart rehash the Civil War and Confederate monuments with Matt Johnson who is a senior instructor in the Humanities and Social Sciences Department at Northwest Missouri State University. They discuss the purpose of many Confederate memorials that were raised after Reconstruction and during the Civil Rights Era.

Steve Myers of CyHawk Thoughts called in to discuss Iowa Hawkeye and Iowa State Cyclones football with the guys.

During the third segment, the guys then discuss President Trump’s new direction in Afghanistan. Also, Canada finds itself with a migrant and asylum seeker problem. Then, Paula White goes to bat for President Trump. The Southern Poverty Law Center is being sued for their hate map. Finally, the 9th Circuit Court finds silent prayer on a public school football field unconstitutional.

Remember, you can listen on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines Metro area. You can also listen online live here.  Also, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunesGoogle Play MusicStitcherTuneIn, or on your Android-based phone.

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