A modified AR-15.

Whenever an evil person does something evil with a gun, you can count on hearing two phrases. “We need to have a national conversation on guns.” and “We need to do something about guns”.

It was no different after the recent church shooting in Sutherland, TX.  A shooting that was carried out by a man that had once escaped from a mental institution, had been convicted of domestic abuse by the Air Force, and had been given a bad conduct discharge.  He was pure evil.

The reaction from gun control advocates, and even some politicians, has been less than stellar.  Not to mention, less than logical.  Gun control advocates have blamed the NRA, despite the fact that it was an NRA instructor that stopped the rampage.  Senators have proposed legislation for things that are ALREADY illegal.  We even have major media outlets engaging in nonsensical activism by trying to warn us about “chainsaw bayonets”.

Stop.  Just stop.  No one is going to believe you want a national conversation about guns, if this is the way you’re suggesting we “do something” about guns.

No one wants more dead bodies.  I assume everyone reading this, doesn’t want to infringe on the rights of the law abiding, either.  I genuinely want to hear about ideas about what new laws we can implement that will have a significant impact on gun crime without infringing on the Constitution right to keep and bear arms, or the basic, human right to self defense.  More importantly, I want to know how you plan to enforce that new law.

So lets stop talking in generalities.  Lets stop using the all encompassing “do something”.  Let’s stop wallowing in the problem and start focusing on the solution.  If you can bring that “something” to the table and support your position more than surface deep, I’ll find us the venue to have the national debate you keep saying you want.

Yours in Freedom –

Pat Nicklaus (AKA “Iowa Gun Girl”)

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