Hillary Clinton was not the only person this week who stoked the flames of incivility, former Attorney General Eric Holder did as well.

Speaking at a campaign event for Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee in Georgia’s gubernatorial race, Holder said, “It’s on us as Democrats to be as tough as they are, to be as dedicated as they are, to be as committed as they are.”

Referring to Michelle Obama, he said,  “she always says that, you know, when they go low, we go high. No. When they go low, we kick them.”

The audience laughed and cheered.



Wonder if he meant to kick them like this?


He meant this rhetorically, but it still sends a lousy message that joins equally bad messages.

So we have Congresswoman Maxine Watters (D-CA) calling for supporters to harass Trump administration officials. U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) told activists to get in the face of members of Congress. Clinton rejects civility at least until her party controls either the House or the Senate or both. Now this, from the nation’s former chief law enforcement officer.

We’ve already seen Secretary of Homeland Security Kristjen Neilsen chased from a restaurant, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his wife Heidi also driven from a restaurant, and U.S. Senator Rand Paul was mobbed at the airport. Republican Senators were doxed by a former Democratic congressional staffer.

What could possibly go wrong with further encouragement from mainstream Democrats? 

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