The transgender flag
Photo Credit: torbackhopper via Flickr (CC-By-2.0)

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) calls attention to an important analysis recently published by Dr. James Cantor, a psychologist and sexual behavior scientist, that demonstrates the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) Policy of affirming sexual transition for all children is not evidence-based.

AAP recently released a policy statement declaring that all children, regardless of age, should be immediately affirmed in accordance with their self-proclaimed gender identity. The AAP policy gives the impression that the safety and efficacy of transition affirmation for all children is a matter of settled science. This is categorically false. 

In his analysis, Dr. Cantor found that the AAP ignored a significant body of research that contradicts its “solely affirm sexual transition” directive. Furthermore, once Dr. Cantor proofed the document’s references, he found that much of the research the AAP did cite, actually substantiates the consensus-based approach of “watchful waiting” which is dismissed as “outdated” in its policy. 

In contrast, the policy statement of the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) maintains that critical assessment of the psychological underpinnings of gender dysphoria be the first order of business, and that subsequent watchful waiting, or family therapy with an eye toward facilitating comfort with the child’s biological sex, is best for children. 

Shamefully, the AAP has misrepresented science in order to promote a political agenda, fostered by AAP leaders of the transgender movement, at the precious cost of children’s health and well-being.

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